I relaxed my hair at about 11 weeks post relaxer. I could have gone longer, but my birthday is coming up and I wanted a fresh one. I really wanted to use the Arganics Relaxer System that I used last time, but I searched high and low for one in the local Beauty Supply Stores around my way with no luck. So instead, I decided to try the Creme of Nature Argan Oil relaxer
Product Description: Argan Oil Relaxer provides advanced straightening performance and exotic shine to relaxed hair. This uniquely formulated relaxer will hydrate and strengthen your hair, leaving it silky-straight and radiant, all in one application!
Product Benefits:
- Provides increased straightening performance and exotic shine
- Promotes strong, healthy hair
- Regular and super strengths
- Features new Creme of Nature with Argan Oil Gloss & Shine Polisher and Intensive Conditioning Treatment
AHS: This relaxer kit includes the relaxer with the activator, a neutralizing shampoo, conditioner, and a sample of the Creme of Nature Argan Leave-In treatment. The activator is clear and the base is white so mixing it up was a bit of a pain because it doesn't change color once you start mixing it up. When it was applied to my head I didn't feel anything at all, no tingling or anything. Once it was thoroughly rinsed out my new growth was sleek and straight. Overall the relaxer kit is great and the price point is comparable to other boxed relaxers. Basically, I'm not raving and I'm not disappointed for any reason. I'll keep you posted if anything changes.
Here's a little length comparison from 2009 to now. Remember there was a hair cut back in May 2010, where I got bangs added in. For more photos of my hair check here
Here's a little length comparison from 2009 to now. Remember there was a hair cut back in May 2010, where I got bangs added in. For more photos of my hair check here